Creating interior elevation markers


Workspace: Tool set

Interior Elevation Marker

Fundamentals, Design Suite, Architect, Spotlight: Dims/Notes

Landmark: Add tool to workspace (see Customizing workspaces)

The Interior Elevation Marker tool creates an object that serves as a reference graphic for interior elevation viewports, to graphically indicate for which directions the viewports were created.

In Design Suite products, an interior elevation marker can be linked to viewports. If the marker was used to create the viewports it's linked to, it also "defines" the viewports, which means that moving or reshaping the marker can affect the viewports. Interior elevation markers also have the following functionality.

Link an interior elevation marker to existing viewports, for annotation purposes.

Sync the marker's drawing titles, drawing numbers, and sheet number with the linked viewports.

Automatically delete a linked viewport when it's removed from the marker.

The alignment modes temporarily override the marker's defined insertion point, for precise placement.



Align Object Left

Insertion point is the left edge of the marker's bounding box

Align Object Center

Insertion point is the center of the marker's bounding box

Align Object Right

Insertion point is the right edge of the marker's bounding box

Align Object Origin

Insertion point is the marker's originally specified insertion point


Opens the Resource Selector to select an interior elevation marker for placement; double-click a resource to activate it


Sets the default parameters for the tool

To create an interior elevation marker:

Click the tool.

Do one of the following:

Click Style on the Tool bar to select a resource from the Resource Selector.

Click Preferences to open the object properties dialog box and specify the tool's default parameters.

The parameters can be edited later from the Object Info palette.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Replace the current style with one from the Resource Selector, or use the unstyled option

Hide style parameters

Hides the parameters that are set by style; these cannot be edited from the properties dialog box or Object Info palette


(Design Suite product required)

For a marker linked to viewports, automatically displays the Drawing Title and Drawing No. of the viewports in the marker. If the marker defines the interior elevation viewports (Vectorworks Architect required), deselect to enter this information manually.

Linked Layer

(Design Suite product required)

Specifies the layer that contains the interior elevation viewports referenced in the marker. If the marker was created automatically while creating interior elevation viewports (Vectorworks Architect required), the linked layer is displayed, and cannot be edited.


Select the view directions to include in the marker; the interior elevation marker detects its position in relation to the four quadrants in the screen plane, sweeping 45° from each XY direction (0°, 90°, 180° and 270°) corresponding to North, East, South, and West naming.

If the marker was created automatically while creating interior elevation viewports (Vectorworks Architect required), when the selection changes, the section line that defines the viewport in that direction is automatically added or deleted, as is the corresponding viewport.

Linked Viewport

(Design Suite product required)

Specifies the viewport to which this section of the marker is linked.

If a viewport is displayed here but it cannot be edited, this marker also defines the viewport (Vectorworks Architect required). See Editing interior elevation markers for details about how to move or reshape the marker without affecting the viewport.

If a viewport is displayed and editable, this marker is linked to the viewport but doesn't define it.

When the Display broken link indicators for smart markers Vectorworks preference is enabled, unlinked markers display a red broken link icon (see Vectorworks preferences: Display pane); the icon does not print.

If you delete the linked viewport, you can specify whether to delete linked markers or leave the unlinked markers in place.

Drawing Title/Drawing No.

Identifies the item the marker references. If the marker is not linked to viewports, or if Auto-coordinate is deselected, enter the information manually. Otherwise, the information from the linked viewports is used.

Sheet No.

Enter the Sheet Number; this value is assigned by default for viewport-linked interior-elevation markers when Auto-coordinate is selected

Detail No.

Enter a detail number for the marker. This information can be displayed in the marker layout.


Optional text that can be displayed in the marker layout

Marker Scale Factor

Scales the marker larger or smaller by the factor specified

Click to place the object, and click again to set the rotation.

Editing interior elevation markers

Once a marker is in the drawing, you can edit it from the Object Info palette. The following additional options are available when editing interior elevation markers.



Style list options

Replace: Applies a different style to this object

Edit Style: Allows you to modify the settings and marker layout for all objects in the drawing that use the current style

Convert to Unstyled: Allows you to modify the settings and marker layout for this object only

See Creating styles for markers and drawing labels for details.

Edit Section Lines

(Design Suite product required)

For a marker linked to viewports, click to enter Object editing mode and edit the section lines that define the viewports; see Modifying section lines graphically

Navigate to Viewports

(Design Suite product required)

For a marker linked to viewports, navigates to the Linked Layer and selects the viewports

Edit Marker Layout

(unstyled markers)

Enters editing mode to change the geometry and text in the marker; see Creating styles for markers and drawing labels

If the marker defines the viewports (Vectorworks Architect required), moving or reshaping the marker can affect the viewports. To edit the marker but avoid viewport changes, select Edit > Cut to cut the existing marker, and then select Edit > Paste In Place to paste a new linked marker into the drawing. The new marker doesn't define the viewports, so you can edit the marker as needed.

Creating interior elevation viewports


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